52ABDE48-6AA2-4C91-85C2-A314A6DAF449Everything you need to know about living the pirate lifestyle full of freedom and adventure.
*immediate download available
Who is this ebook for?
All those with a spirit of adventure who seek to live an extraordinary life filled with travel, adventure, and freedom will benefit from this book. If you have dreamed of waking up in a world filled with possibilities and always learning or experiencing something new, this is a must read book for you.
How do I know it's for me?
People who find this ebook speaks to them include:
Who should not bother with this ebook?
Anyone who has given up on living life to its fullest. If you are totally satisfied with your day job, daily activities, and a week or two vacation every year and do not want to see how other people are enjoying themselves, maybe this book won't interest you. BUT even if you are happy where you are, you might enjoy seeing a different approach to life.
Do you provide a list of good countries?
Yes, we review and discuss living in multiple countries on a variety of continents. From Thailand to Turkey; from Argentina to Austria, and every popular destination in between.
Does my location matter?
Anyone can enjoy the book; however, it was written with a uniquely American perspective. Many of the rules regarding visas and passports are written with a U.S. audience in mind.
When can I get started?
Right away! The ebook is available for instant download.
*available for immediate download