Hi, I'm Pirate Mike!

I'm an adventure-seeker, a father, and a dreamer. Having traveled and lived all over the world, I know how daunting it can be when you're about to set off on your own, no matter what your age.

With the LIVE LIKE PIRATES newsletter, I gave myself a mission to inspire would be travelers and adventure-minded to travel and discover the outside world. No matter what age you are or how much money you have, you can kick off your incredible journey right now. Want to start the adventure of a lifetime? Go for it!

I'll also share with you where I've been, my experiences when meeting the locals, what I've learned on my travels, and more. You'll also hear stories of my fellow traveling pirates. Fantastic trips, inspiring stories, practical advice, and life-changing perspectives are waiting for you!

Got a question? Drop us a note...