Don't Be Another NPC

In the realm of video games, NPCs, or non-playable characters, follow scripted routines and predetermined paths. They are predictable, their actions dictated by the game's programming, and their existence often serves as mere background to the main characters' adventures. Strikingly, this concept can serve as a metaphor for how many people live their lives—following routines, going through the motions, and rarely stepping outside the confines of their habitual patterns. The challenge is to break free from this NPC-like existence and embrace a life of awareness, intentionality, and vibrancy.

The Hypnotic State of Modern Life
Modern life, with its endless cycle of work, shopping, television, and social media, often puts people in a semi-hypnotic state. This routine can feel safe and comfortable, but it also leads to a sense of disconnection and apathy. Derren Brown, a renowned illusionist and mentalist, illustrated this concept vividly in one of his specials. In a shopping mall, Brown used neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) techniques to hypnotize unsuspecting shoppers. At his command, all at once, they lifted their hands for no apparent reason—a clear demonstration of how easily people can be influenced and controlled when they are not fully aware of their surroundings. Which leads to the question, "How much am I being influenced daily without my awareness?"

The Driving Trance
Another everyday example of this phenomenon is the "highway hypnosis" many people experience while driving. This trance-like state occurs when a person drives for long distances without consciously thinking about the activity. Their mind drifts, and they may even miss their exit because they are so deeply absorbed in their thoughts. This autopilot mode can be useful for efficiency but detrimental when it becomes the default way of living.

Breaking the Cycle
To avoid living life as an NPC, it's crucial to cultivate awareness and break free from monotonous routines. Here are a few strategies to consider:

Mindfulness Practice: Engage in mindfulness meditation or other practices that help you stay present. By regularly focusing on the here and now, you can develop a greater sense of awareness and intentionality in your daily life. Helpful phrases to ask yourself randomly through you day include: "what's going on around me right now?" "How am I feeling right now?" "What can I do today that I will remember fondly tomorrow?"

Challenge Your Routine: Actively seek out new experiences and break your daily patterns. "Seek Discomfort" as the YouTube Channel Yes Theory suggests. Or you could do something really simple like try a different route to work, explore new hobbies, or meet new people. These changes can stimulate your mind and prevent you from slipping into a repetitive, autopilot mode.

Set Intentional Goals: Instead of drifting through life, set clear, meaningful goals that align with your values and passions. Pursuing these goals with determination can give you a sense of purpose and direction. It's not enough to create the goals. You should routinely consult them and remind yourself what you it is you are truly pursuing. Again, ask yourself why you are doing different activities, "Which goal is this going to help me achieve?" Sometimes the answer is simply "experiencing something new" or "leaving my comfort zone." These are good answers.

Reflect Regularly: Take time to reflect on your actions, decisions, and experiences. Journaling or talking with a trusted friend can help you gain insights into your behavior and make more conscious choices.

Limit Distractions: This has gotten harder in today's world. We are surrounded by distractions, and media companies actively encourage (through subliminal and NLP type techniques) us to stay distracted. To counter that you must reduce the time you spend on activities that numb your mind and expose you to their programming, such as mindlessly scrolling through social media or binge-watching TV shows. Instead, engage in activities that stimulate your mind and body.

Embracing Conscious Living
Living a life of awareness and intention requires effort and vigilance, but the rewards are profound. By stepping out of the NPC mindset, you can experience life more fully, build deeper connections with others, and find greater fulfillment in your pursuits. Instead of being a background character in your own life, you become the protagonist of your story, actively shaping your destiny and making the most of every moment.

In a world that often encourages conformity and routine, choosing to live consciously is a radical and empowering act. Embrace the challenge, break free from the hypnotic state, and live your life with purpose and passion.